Namibia - Episode 4

Namibia - Episode 4


Kathy Austin has already survived two assassination attempts – saved both time by intervention from her mysterious friends from outer space. Her superior, Sir Charles, finds it difficult to believe her as to the origin of such providential allies, but another incident, followed by a more official meeting, eventually convince him. Informed of the terrible stakes that hide behind the recent events, he sends Kathy back to Namibia with a new partner, on a mission she seems unlikely to survive...

Servicios de préstamo

Bibliotecas públicas de Andalucía Buscar
Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
Préstamo de libros electrónicos (eBiblio Andalucía) Buscar


  1. Diamantes y mentiras - Atados por el destino 2022
  2. Fulgentius 2020
  3. American Gods 2012
  4. Si no despierto / Before I Fall 2020
  5. Que no muera el aspidistra (edición definitiva avalada por The Orwell Estate) 2014
  6. Un padre de película 2011

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