Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #3.5

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #3.5


Having followed the Red Jade General to Ancient China, the Doctor, Gabby, and Noobis found that they had vastly underestimated the terrifying entity… for one, he had made hundreds of Cindy clones! But, after Cindy herself, the ‘Muwu,’ rallied the troops, the Red Jade General never stood a chance, and was defeated. Before Cindy and Gabby can begin to come to terms with what happened, Gabby takes a quiet moment to reflect upon a previous adventure, as the TARDIS whirls through the Vortex…

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Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
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  1. Nana 2012
  2. Los bárbaros 2008
  3. Less (AdN) 2019
  4. Novelistas Imprescindibles - Roberto Payró 2021
  5. El cartero de Neruda 2017
  6. Quisiera dar un gran rodeo 2018

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titan comics

Año de publicación