Writer's Bane - Research

Writer's Bane - Research


We all have the curse of a story that yearns to be written. The Writer’s Bane is a curse and passion, both a want and need to tell a story. In this volume, discover ways to use research to help creates and enrich your characters, world, and plot. Join me as I share my passion for research for creating my work and how it can aid you with your own. Whether you need help with character development, worldbuilding, and making that plot turn in the direction you need it to go, there's a little something in here for everyone. This volume covers many topics of research including: How to keep organizedTypes of researchResources to considerBreaking down how to use it for Characters, World and PlotSeveral activity sheetsCountless examples from the author’s own work and existing workWhat to do with leftover research to benefit your author journeyWriting Prompts from her “Fact Inspiring Fiction” workshopArticles from author’s own leftovers for real life examples

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Bibliotecas públicas de Andalucía Buscar
Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
Préstamo de libros electrónicos (eBiblio Andalucía) Buscar


  1. La flecha negra (Los mejores clásicos) 2016
  2. Disney. Cuéntame un cuento para ser feliz 2024
  3. Las siete cabritas 2001
  4. Sin igual 2016
  5. Secretos de un fan de Fortnite 2: El último escuadrón 2022
  6. Muerte en Santa Rita / Death at Santa Rita 2022

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4 horsemen publications, inc.

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