
Hip-Hop, Sci-Fi and Kung Fu all hit the turn-tables for the mash-up mix of the year! Cartoonist/force of nature Yehudi Mercado (Pantalones, TX, Rocket Salvage) sets his sights on 1980s Brooklyn and Wax, a young mix-master who scratches the perfect beat and accidentally summons a UFO that transports his family, best friend, and current crush to the robot-dominated planet of Discopia. Now Wax and his crew must master the intergalactic musical martial art of Sci-Fu to fight the power and save Earth. Word to your mother.

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  1. En presencia de mis enemigos 2014
  2. El diablo en el campanario 2017
  3. Tú puedes sanar tu vida 2024
  4. Crepúsculo / Twilight 2018
  5. Cuentos populares mexicanos 2018
  6. Himno 2020

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oni press

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