Wesleyan Leadership in Troubled Times

Wesleyan Leadership in Troubled Times


Christians are to be in the world, not of the world. But worldly self-interest has crept into the church. The ultimate goals of filling empty pews, constructing bigger buildings, and ultimately gaining greater glory for the church itself are disguised by seemingly altruistic strategies like 'church planting' and 'marketing the Gospel.' Wesleyan Leadership in Troubled Times calls the church to be holy and whole in motive, mission, and ministry. McKenna challenges the church to confront our self-interested culture with the self-sacrificing love of Jesus Christ.

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Bibliotecas públicas de Andalucía Buscar
Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
Préstamo de libros electrónicos (eBiblio Andalucía) Buscar


  1. Sánate a ti mismo 2019
  2. La Rueda del Tiempo no 12/14 La tormenta 2012
  3. Me gusta mi carro 2024
  4. Siete Plantas 2018
  5. Star Wars BattleFront Compañía Crepúsculo (novela) 2023
  6. A la luz del amanecer 2013

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beacon hill press of kansas city

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