The First Poets

The First Poets


A dazzling literary exploration by acclaimed poet and critic Michael Schmidt, The First Poets brings to life for the general reader the great Greek poets who gave our poetic tradition its first bearings and whose works have had an enduring influence on our literature and our imagination. Starting with the legendary and possibly mythical Orpheus and with Homer, Schmidt conjures a host of our literary forebears. From Hipponax, “the dirty old man of poetry,” to Theocritus, the father of pastoral; from Sappho, who threw herself from a cliff for love, to Hesiod, who claimed a visit from the Muses–the stories in The First Poets masterfully merge fact and conjecture into animated and compelling portraits of these ancestors of our culture.

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Bibliotecas públicas de Andalucía Buscar
Consorcio de bibliotecas universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) Buscar
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  1. Esta noche digo adiós (Detective privado Lincoln Perry 1) 2011
  2. Seguro en los brazos de Dios 2015
  3. Corax no 40/54 2019
  4. Monólogos de Lima 2015
  5. Huérfanos de Brooklyn (MTI) / Motherless Brooklyn (MTI) 2019
  6. El libro de la noche 2022

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